Monday, January 25, 2016

Tragedy of the Commons (S. 7)

Garrett Hardin discusses "no technical solution problems" and how these problems are effecting the world in the beginning of the selection. He then discusses tragedy of the commons, and describes in detail how one's decision to benefit themselves can have largely negative effects on the group as a whole. Harden talks about how tragedy of the commons relates to pollution, and explains how large groups of people all suffer as a result of a few peoples actions because the environment is common to all humans. The author recognizes that most of the environmental problems we have to deal with are examples of tragedy of the commons.

If everyone in the world decided to have as many kids as possible the entire world would suffer as a result of the "commons" suffering. The individuals who chose to have as many kids as possible would not be directly impacted. Instead, the population as a whole would suffer due to the large amount of extra people. Some of the exploited resources that are held in common by the entire world are; water, wood, air and farming land. Overuse of water can be prevented by people being cautious and careful with the amount of water one uses. One tree can be planted, for every tree that is cut down in the environment to maintain a constant amount of trees. Fossil fuel emissions can be greatly reduced by using better forms of transportation (public transportation, carpooling). Farming land can be better maintained, to ensure it will be productive for a long time.

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