Thursday, April 7, 2016

Human Domination of Earth's Ecosystems (S 9)

This reading discusses how human development has changed many ecosystems. The author explains that this is due to growth of human populations as well as growth of the resource base required to sustain our current population. The majority of these changes are physical changes to the land, therefor changing the environment for many ecosystems. The waterways of the planet have also been significantly altered, humans have changed or destroyed over 50% of all aquatic ecosystems. The author also identifies the significant change we have made to the biogeochemical cycles. The carbon cycle is most effected and this is due to combustion of fossil fuels. Furthermore, the Nitrogen and water cycles have also been strongly effected by humans. Lastly, the author outlines how humans have changed the biotic environment on earth. Humans have caused numerous species to become extinct as well as displace many animals in an improper environment.

If human population was reduced, we would have a much easier time maintaining a sustainable environment. Human population has been begun to be controlled in some countries, but these human population control policies need to be implemented in all countries if we want to have control over the world population. There is a direct correlation between worldwide population increase and the degradation of the environment and ecosystems. Controlling (or reducing) the worlds population would be a great start for creating a sustainable planet, however our actions and decisions play an even bigger role in creating a sustainable planet. If we as humans want to live on a sustainable planet everyone must come together in sustainable decision making. 

Below are graphs that show the correlation between population increase and animal extinction. I have also attached a graph that shows how in recent years (1900-present) CO2 emissions have increased drastically. The CO2 emissions also have a direct correlation with population increase.

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